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Int 31 Fn 0001  P - DPMI 0.9+ - Free Ldt Descriptor                        [E]

   AX = 0001h
   BX = selector to free

Return: CF clear if successful
   CF set on error
       AX = error code (DPMI 1.0+) (8022h) (see AX=0000h)

Notes: only one descriptor is freed per call
   the program's initial CS, DS, and SS descriptors may be freed
   (DPMI 1.0+) any segment registers containing the freed selector are
     set to 0000h
   not supported by MS Windows 3.0 in Standard mode

See Also: AX=0000h,AX=000Ah,AX=000Dh,INT 21/AX=3502h

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson